We need you now more than ever

As Christmas approaches, our church goes into another gear.  It gets very intense around here in the month of December.  Many of our staff and technical volunteers put in dozens of hours, perhaps even hundreds, to prepare Christmas for you and your family!

Here’s why.  We have discovered that Christmas is our BEST opportunity to share the Gospel people who need Jesus.  We will reach more people around Christmas than any other time of the year.  I came across a statistic that really explains why on Jonathan Herron’s blog.

The Top 5 times* that people are most open to considering matters of faith are:

5.  After the birth of a baby (28%)

4. After a natural disaster (34%)

3. After a major national crisis, i.e. 9/11 (38%)

2. During the Easter season (38%)

1. During the Christmas season (47%)!

Yep, that’s just what we figured.  We can tell by our ticket distribution for our Christmas Experiences.  We expect OVER 1200 people this Christmas to come through our doors and hear our presentation of the Gospel.

Yet, one of the most frustrating things we face is that it is also one of the hardest times to get anyone to volunteer.  As we have hundreds of people who don’t know Christ come to our church, we want them to EXPERIENCE the Gospel and not just hear it.  We want to provide a 5-star experience when they come.  That begins in the parking lot (which might be a little chaotic for these experiences).  We need people NOW more than ever.

If you want to seriously be part of reaching people with the Gospel, then Christmas is the time when you should step up, not shrink back.  I know that many people are so busy making cookies, shopping and planning parties.  But isn’t the eternal destiny of our friends, neighbors, co-workers and family important enough that we could could carve out time to help them meet Jesus?  Could you make cookies an hour later so you can come serve at just one of our experiences?

We need people to help greet, seat, park and help in our Children’s ministry (only age 4 and under).  If you want to make time to be part of this impact, please email us: info@crossroadschurchwired.com.

We need you NOW more than ever!

* stats courtesy of LifeWay Research

830 thoughts on “We need you now more than ever

  1. Hello Pastor,

    We attempted to visit church this past Sunday. What we found when we arrived were locked doors. It is my desire to be a positive influence, so please read the following Facebook information with an open heart. This is intended to share true feelings from people that have no affiliation with your church. The comments are from regular church attendees and people that have not attended church in years. Blessings

    Facebook comments:
    • So, we went to a new church this morning. The only problem is…they didn’t have service! Second church I know of that cancelled services today due to “Christmas.” Hum…
    • Sheryl-Thats crazyyy
    • Kelly – Wow.
    • Diane – Interesting! I went to a beautiful Baptist candlelight service Christmas Eve where they told the Christmas story and we sang carols while we lit our candles. Sorry yours got canceled!
    • Nikki – Canceled service because of CHRISTmas??? Sad really…
    • Deslyn – Sad, sad, sad…
    • Cindy – Awe was it due to Christmas or the inclement weather? Heard several churches cancelled because of snow.
    • Mitch- Well, considering they had a huge road sign in front of the church that said the next church services would be January 1 & 2, it was planned. The roads weren’t really all that bad up here. We visited another church a few weeks ago. The pastor said, “Due to the fact that I and the rest of the staff have out of town family, we are cancelling service on the 26th so we can spend time with our families, too.”

    While I don’t have problems with pastors and staff spending time with their families over the holiday, I am not a fan of cancelling Sunday services. Do something scaled down. Bring in guest speakers. But, don’t cancel the main Sunday service. Just my thoughts.
    • Vickie- WTH?
    • Mitch – You heard it, sissy…
    • Al -Wow…the work ethic has seeped into the Church ethic. Christmas was YESTERDAY for cryin’ out loud. Wonder what happens if He cancels heaven?
    • Jill – Our church canceled service today due to the majority of the congregation being sick or out of town. What’s wrong with spending time with the fam at home?
    • Mitch – There is absolutely nothing wrong with spending time with the family at home. But, in my opinion, Christmas being on the weekend is a sad excuse to cancel services. Make other arrangements for those who may want to worship. It can appear counter-Christ like to cancel services on the weekend we celebrate His birth. Just my opinion…
    • Rhonda – our church had service of course but attendance was down, but we were there
    • Jill -The arrangements for those of us who wanted to worship were to worship at home with our families. You know my stance on the “have to be there or explain to the powers that be why you’re not” mentality.

    Our congregation is very laid back. … I guess to each their own. I’m totally fine with how it was handled.See More
    • Mitch- Jill, I totally agree. Anyone can choose not to take their family to church to any given service. They owe no explanation to anyone. That’s not my beef.

    I think it is extremely unwise for a pastor to cancel the main Sunday service, especially if they are trying to be “outward focused,” as they should be. Yeah, they deserve time with their families. But, don’t cancel the main service.

    I guess my beef is we went today based upon this church’s Christmas marketing. Their marketing announced their service times; didn’t say they wouldn’t have church on the Sunday of the weekend they’re marketing to get you out. Bad PR…See More
    • Rhonda – this subject sure got alot of comments
    • Mitch -So, here’s another beef along the same lines. Christmas Sunday, 2006. My dad had just passed away. This was our first service back to our home church (large A/G), where we were tithing members (in-between pastorates), were met at the door a…nd were asked for our ticket. When we told them we didn’t have a ticket, we were asked to go to a “waiting room” to see if there would be enough room for us in service. When the family behind us told the usher, who refused to let us in, that they “forgot their tickets,” they were let in. DON’T CONTROL CHURCH SEATING WITH TICKETS. First come, first-served. Get your lazy arse there early enough to get a seat if it is a major event.See More
    • Vickie- I can not believe the “excuses” of some of the comments. imho No sevice the day after? OK Mitch, you and sis come back, the three of us will have service, in a big way, converts and all. Family time is all day. Strive to show our Lord love and share with others, strangers or not is only what, 40 minutes?

    • Jill – I think the lesson to be learned here is the day after Christmas probably isn’t the best time to find a home church.

    One poster couldn’t believe the “excuses.” I can’t believe some of the legalism.
    • Mitch- I think the moral of the story is be consistent with your services or find a new job. There is a difference in consistency, dependability and legalism.
    • Jill -I wasn’t talking about your point, Mitch. Yea, they should have made it more clear there were no services today.

    I was talking about the shock and horror demonstrated by some posters over services being canceled today. I found it a bit… annoying and humorous at the same time.
    See More
    • Sheryl – I agree Mitch
    • Dee – OK Folks, here is my two cents.. The advertisment of the church is listed below. They are begging volunteers to step it up. Hmm, after all the advertisment and realization that their statistics show 47% consider attending church during Chri…stmas, one would think arrangments could be made to have the doors open. I am all for having options for people to worship either at home or elsewhere. However, why was the church not an option?

    From the church web site:
    The Top 5 times* that people are most open to considering matters of faith are:

    5. After the birth of a baby (28%)

    4. After a natural disaster (34%)

    3. After a major national crisis, i.e. 9/11 (38%)

    2. During the Easter season (38%)

    1. During the Christmas season (47%)!

    Yet, one of the most frustrating things we face is that it is also one of the hardest times to get anyone to volunteer. As we have hundreds of people who don’t know Christ come to our church, we want them to EXPERIENCE the Gospel and not just hear it. We want to provide a 5-star experience when they come. That begins in the parking lot (which might be a little chaotic for these experiences). We need people NOW more than ever.

    If you want to seriously be part of reaching people with the Gospel, then Christmas is the time when you should step up, not shrink back. I know that many people are so busy making cookies, shopping and planning parties. But isn’t the eternal destiny of our friends, neighbors, co-workers and family important enough that we could could carve out time to help them meet Jesus? Could you make cookies an hour later so you can come serve at just one of our experiences?See More
    • Sheryl – Amen Dee
    • Rhonda= said, Dee! I do know that the church that Mitch could not get into because of the “tickets” issue has at least done away with ticketed events. I think that over time they got grief from others for similar reasons.
    • Jennifer – wow well said Dee

  2. First of all, I love anonymous comments. Have the guts to leave your name for goodness sakes.

    Second, what is missed is that we had FIVE SERVICES during Christmas week leading up to Christmas. FIVE.

    Our auditorium seats 225 with people packed in like sardines…. The week of Christmas we saw 1200 people come through the door… Can you even IMAGINE the wear and tear that has on our staff and Volunteers??

    “Hey church, I know you spent your entire week of Christmas at the church, and I am sorry, but we need you to be here on Christmas as well”

    The greatest gift I could give my people as the Executive Pastor of the church is the holiday off to celebrate and relax with their family. Our people are a blessing and they serve tirelessly….and it is my responsibility to protect them from burn out. If you have ever served in a church setting, you would understand the burn out I am talking about.

    Regardless, it is better off that you went on down the road cause if something as simple as this set you off and offended you, I can only imagine the ways we would offend you as a church a church and a ministry.

    God saved you to BE THE CHURCH, not to go to church. He also created the Sabbath for man, not man for the Sabbath.


  3. Interesting perspectives. Unfortunately misguided. As a church staff member who experienced 0 days off in December(until Christmas day) in order to prepare an incredible experience x5 for those we are trying to reach(we saw over 1200) I find it offensive, not to me, but to the volunteers who put in hundreds of hours during the month of December to provide those amazing Christmas Experiences, that someone who thinks they know what it takes to run a church would tear us down for allowing the over 100 volunteers it takes to run a Sunday experience a chance to see the families they hadn’t seen for 3 weeks due to the workload on Christmas day. It’s easy to play armchair quarter back but unless you’re willing to get off your butt and get in the game, don’t try to call plays. Thanks and my sincere apologies to the volunteers who follow this blog. I love and appreciate you more than you know. Bobby

  4. I must apologize for the offense caused to you for sharing feeling from non-members. As I originally said, it is my desire to be a positive influence. Your response shows me you did not read the information with an open heart. Perhaps considering having one of the FIVE service times to include Sunday morning would have served our community better. Do not worry Joe; I will not attend your church. I have no intention on attending, serving or supporting where I am not welcome. As you made clear, you are the decision maker and anyone with a different opinion is offensive and not welcome at your (Not Jesus) church. I am truly sorry for sharing my feelings about missing service. It will never happen again. Your attacks were not necessary.
    Bobby, you do not need to make apologies for me or my friends. As you stated, you have no idea if I have pastored or not. That is irrelevant. The point is that the information is true and sincere. It was not meant to offend. I pray that God soften your hearts, to accept honest feedback, as you continue your journey. Blessings

  5. I am not sure I was attacking as much as defending my position from a nameless person.

    I am, and so is everyone here, always open to and we welcome comments and criticisms. And had your message come to us in the form of an email, or some other form than an anonymous vehicle, it would have been better received. Posting something publicly without stating who you are says a lot. Mostly, it says that your intention was not to be just “helpful.” Also, by your initial facebook post and some of the responses by “Mitch” and your frustration, it is quite obvious there was other intent there.

    Jesus never corrected people anonymously.

    And you are more than welcome to come to Crossroads. I never said you weren’t welcome. I said if something as little as this offends you, I can imagine you will be offended by this ministry in some other capacity as well.


  6. Joe, this is the avenue I found that connected your ministry outreach. You can feel free to have all the comments deleted. As for being nameless, that is irrelevant. Like I said, I do not attend your church or any other church at this time. Perhaps I am done with “CHURCH”. From your posts, your church is not different in spirit that others. Out of respect, your church name was never mentioned on the FB page. So again all responses, both positive and negative were anonymous. It will remain that way. If you don’t want people to post to a blog, then I suggest that you sensor them before allowing the post.

  7. Merry Christmas

    Let me share with you my experience with crossroads …I have been going to Crossroads for approx. 2 years. Before attending Crossroads I too was somewhat disillusioned with “church”. Many things brought me to that place. My wife and I were looking around for a church in the area. My effort was half hearted at best. We have lived in the area for approx. 5 years at the time and saw that a church (Crossroads) had purchased the vacant church on Lithoplis rd. My first thought is that this is a church with vision buying a building with that much land. So we thought we would give it a shot. I walked in expecting the usual “church” fodder. When the band started the first song I had realized this was not your everyday church … there was something special here. We walked out that day knowing this is where God wanted us to be. One of the many things that impressed me about the church is lack of fake piety. We all know that we are sinners with a past but we also know we have a forgiving Savior in Jesus Christ. I have had the opportunity to grow close with the staff. They are not perfect by any means but their heart and vision for sharing the message of Jesus Christ to the community and beyond is inspiring. I would challenge you to attend one service. If it is not for you than that is fine. There is not one church for everyone. On the other hand, it could be a life changing experience for you. Hope to one day meet you! God bless!

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