An unexpected encounter

In my devotion time today, I was reading about Saul (Paul) in the book of Acts. It was almost as if I was reading it for the first time. Saul was a real nasty dude to the Christians. He went after Christians to throw them in prison. He was on […]

Easter sellout?

Taking a break from the 7 myths blogs to post about Easter at Crossroads Church. I have read all the church signs and know that Easter is a huge time for all Christian churches. Everyone is doing special communion services and most churches will be decorated with Easter lilies. But […]

7 myths continued…

7 Myths about pastors continues… Myth#2 – Pastors are ‘holier’ than other Christians. I have experienced this and so has every pastor. People think because you are a pastor it somehow makes you ‘holier’ than everyone else. This is often why so many pastors crumble under the weight of expectations. […]

7 myths about pastors

Over the next several days I’m going to write about 7 myths people have about pastors. A lot of people have ideas about what it means to be a pastor. Many come from their childhood or when their parents made them go to church. Some are picked up from watching […]

Easter is coming.

I have never been so excited about Easter. As a kid it just meant I had to dress up in some dumb shirt and tie to go to church like we always did every Sunday. What’s the big deal? In fact, I never really cared much about Easter until I […]


The Bible tells us not to brag on ourselves (James 4:16), but it doesn’t say I can’t brag on our church. Yesterday, I challenged our church to step up and get involved in our 7 Days of Servolution. The response was incredible. All I can say is our church gets […]

TNT – The Next Thing

On Sunday we shared a video with our church about our “next thing”. We believe God has called to us to build a youth ministry building to invest in our kids and to help us grow to reach more people for Christ. If God would put it on your heart […]

Join the Servolution

Our church is joining a couple hundred other churches who are taking part in the 7 Days of Servolution. This revolutionary idea is to get out into the streets of your community for 7 Days straight and do nothing but serve them. I believe this has the potential to change […]

Why I love my church

I love my church because of the great people I have around me.  The other night all my leaders gathered together for a dinner.  We had a riot.  There wasn’t once ounce of religiousness in the air.  In fact most of the time we get together I have to ask, […]


We’ve been doing a series called “txt” for the past 3 weeks.  People seemed so engaged in this series about the Bible that we extended it 2 weeks. (Listen to our podcast) For our last week (March 15th) we are going to answer your questions about the Bible.  We’ve had […]